Counseling Office

The counseling office provides class information and guidance in all aspects of academic studies and vocational training.  We are here to assist you in these areas:

  • Assist students with educational, personal and career planning

  • Evaluation of high school transcripts so you can complete the requirements for a high school diploma

  • Coordinate referrals to school and community support services

  • Evaluation of high school transcripts to help you decide whether you should complete your diploma requirements or prepare for the HiSET exam (equivalent to a high school diploma)

  • Advise our students regarding vocational programs available through our school

Counseling Hours:

Monday through Thursday
7:30 am to 9:00 pm
7:30 am to 4:00 pm
You are encouraged to call ahead before visiting any of our offices.  All hours are subject to change.

Schedule an appointment with our academic counselor at (626) 939-4456

Student Transcripts

Students and alumni can obtain a transcript by completing a Student Request for Transcript form and submit to registration office.  There is a $5.00 transcript fee for high school diploma or CTE transcript.  GED transcripts are $10.00.
  • Cash, credit card, money order or cashier's check is accepted.  We do not accept personal checks.  
  • Allow 5 business days during the regular school year
  • Allow one to two weeks during the summer
Student Transcripts can also be obtained through the Baldwin Park Unified School District.  Follow the link below.